Design style frames for the title sequence. Create the layout for each frame and the typography so the editors have a guide to work off. Also create a disintegration or dust fx that will transition the names on or off screen.
When designing the style frames for this project I started with the footage the director and editor gave me. Nothing was storyboarded out, but the editor already had a good shot order. First I sorted out which fonts to use from the ones the director and show runners wanted to use. After going through the options I gave them two fonts with different typography designs/layouts. I gave them the main one they wanted and another I thought read better. The first one was more of an old english/nordic display font that ended up being busy. The simple San Serif is what they ended up with. With that I just played around with various text layouts. Once that was finished it was time to move onto the dust effect.
In the God of War game, which the show was inspired by, this effect shows up a lot. So they wanted to bring that into the show as well. This was a fast turn around so I didn't want anything to complicated or something that would take long to render. I decide between After Effects rather than C4D. Doing this without plugins using After Effects was also a small challenge, because a lot of the stock effects in AE aren't the best. So I combined a few different technics from a few masking and compositing tricks to pull this off. Tested out the particle effects in the software to try to add some extra texture, but it ended up looking a little weird and not believable so ended up cutting it out.